Cone Crusher Liners: How to Select and When to Change

June 23, 2020

Cone Crushers were developed more than a century ago to provide secondary, tertiary and even quaternary material reduction.

Like other compression crushers圆锥破碎机具有破碎腔或破碎腔,在那里岩石被粉碎到较小的尺寸. 圆锥破碎机的破碎腔是在地幔(运动的钢块)和凹面(静止的钢块)之间形成的空间。. 罩面和凹面由可更换的锰衬里保护,免受日常磨损.

How a Cone Crusher works.

Selecting a Cone Crusher liner

广泛的衬垫可用于适应粗和细饲料, but which you choose depends on several factors. 圆锥破碎机衬板选择中最重要的因素是给料.


你应该有一个分级的饲料进入破碎室. A well-graded feed is generally considered as:

  • 90-100% passing the closed-side feed opening. 有些人也会看开放面80%的部分,然后选择较小的部分.
  • 40-60% passing the midpoint.
  • 0-10% passing the closed-side setting.


A well-graded feed to the Cone Crusher.

You want to match the entire feed gradation, not just the feed size, so that you utilize the entire chamber. 重要的是利用尽可能多的破碎室,以获得所需的减少和期望的吞吐量.

工厂饲料大小和从你的前破碎阶段的输出定义你的最高饲料大小, which will give the maximum cavity opening. 相对于顶部进给尺寸,空腔开口不应太大. 空腔开口比进料尺寸大得多,导致减少和衬垫利用率差.

If the feed size is too small, 大部分的破碎发生在腔体的最低部分, 这意味着衬垫的底部会比顶部磨损得更快. The production will decrease due to the poor reduction ratio. 破碎机的功率限制将超过最小体积水平, and you’ll run the risk of improper bearing alignment.


破碎机衬里的大部分磨损发生在平行区(地幔和凹地之间的最小空间,最终破碎发生)之前。, but this wear will be accentuated if the feed is too small, 你很快就会在平行区出现之前就被打爆了.

On the other hand, if the feed size is too coarse, the feed material will keep percolating around the feed opening, causing the top of the liners to wear away faster. 由于进料口被桥接,吞吐量降低,产量下降. 输出层次将会更粗糙,菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全将是不稳定的,而不是立方体. The volume limit will be exceeded at minimal power draw.


了解您的分级进入破碎机可以帮助您选择正确的衬板配置,以实现您的生产目标. 正确的线条选择给你一个更好的nip和更多的空间来调整其他参数, such as closed-side setting.


When to change Cone Crusher liners

超过预期使用寿命的衬垫会导致破碎机出现机械问题. A liner that is pushed too long will flex and crack, 而薄地幔或裂纹地幔的弯曲会造成严重的阀座表面损伤.

虽然没有万无一失的方法来判断衬垫是否磨损, here are two indications it is time to change the liners:

1. Production level

当您看到生产水平或吞吐量下降10%或更多时, 这是一个很好的迹象,表明圆锥破碎机衬套需要更换.

2. Liner thickness

If the liner is wearing evenly throughout the chamber, 当它磨损到1英寸左右时,你应该考虑更换它.5 cm) thick at the bottom. At about 3/4” to 5/8” (1.9 cm to 1.6厘米)厚,衬垫就会开裂,导致衬底材料开始崩解. This will cause the liners to break loose. If the liners break loose, 继续工作可能会破坏支撑碗上的阀座或圆锥破碎机的头部.

Some Cone Crushers feature an automatic liner change reminder. 当安装新的套管和凹衬管时,自动提醒复位. 当破碎机运行时,系统跟踪生产能力并计算衬板磨损率. When the cone liners reach the maximum wear point, 系统会发出闪光提醒,提醒锥形锥设置表上的“换锥”. After the wear parts are changes, 重新设置自动提醒系统,继续高效可靠的破碎.

需要注意的一个重要事项是:你不应该把新的凹衬套放在一个磨损的外壳上,也不应该把新的外壳放在一个凹衬套磨损的破碎机上. 配合新的和磨损的部件将改变破碎腔的轮廓,并限制进料进入破碎腔, which will reduce the tons per hour produced.

Improve liner life with correct feed distribution

To get the most wear life out of your crusher liner, as well as ensure optimal crusher performance, it is necessary to feed the crusher correctly.

Incorrect feeding methods

A segregated feed distribution, 将大物料送到破碎机的一侧,将小物料送到另一侧, will lead to poor liner wear. Moreover, 当腔内的压力高于压住它的压力时,它会引起环反弹, as well as more oversized products and poor particle shape.



An off-centered feed, one that sends a majority of the feed to one side of the crusher, will also lead to poor liner wear, ring bounce and poor particle shape. 当你不使用整个腔室时,你不能最大限度地提高破碎机的性能.



Correct feeding method

确保最佳衬管寿命的最佳方法是扼死你的圆锥破碎机. 节流进料允许一个满腔与材料在顶部,以帮助迫使材料在腔通过. 扼流圈进料也最大限度地减少了破碎腔中的气穴,以减少平的产生, elongated particles.

Preventative maintenance and documentation

另一种使圆锥破碎机衬垫磨损寿命最长的方法是定期进行例行维护,并记录沿途的信息. This will help you understand how your liners wear, 识别磨损模式,了解磨损对生产的影响. 它还将帮助您进行必要的更改,以提高您的生产.

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