
The Log Washer has been a staple in the aggregate and mining industries for more than a century. Here's why it was invented and how it has changed over the years.

19世纪末th century brought about an invention that would change the mining industry, 然后是集料工业, 永远. Log Washer的设计目的是去除砾石中的粘土, various types of ores and crushed stone to improve the quality of that material for making stronger concrete, 生产高炉用优质铁矿石, 等. 它的设计并不像它的名字所暗示的那样是用来清洗原木的.

那么洗木机的名字是怎么来的呢? 为了回答这个问题, 让我们来看看原木清洗机的历史, 从它的发明者说起, 塞缪尔·卡尔文·麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.


塞缪尔·卡尔文·麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s illustrious life as an innovator and inventor began at an early age. 詹姆斯·克雷格·麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的儿子, one of the original founders of what is now 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Corporation, Samuel Calvin developed the company’s first accounting system when he was 14. 18岁时, he was single-handedly operating the Wheel Press and Car Wheel Boring Mill – a two-man job. After serving in the United States Navy for six years during the Civil War era, Samuel Calvin returned to the family foundry and machine shop business, 他在哪里画的这些画, 估计, 合同和通信, as well as designed and built a four stroke 100-ton blowing engine used in foundry blast 炉 to increase melt temperature.


除了参与家族生意之外, Samuel Calvin ran the family’s limestone quarries and iron ore operations all along the east coast. During this time, clay lumps present in the crushed material feed were picked out by hand. 大家可以想象, 这是一种低效(而且危险)的方法, as not all of the clay could be removed in this time-consuming manner.

To remove the clay more efficiently and completely, Samuel Calvin designed the Log Washer. The Log Washer featured cast iron paddles bolted to tree logs, 这就是洗木机名字的由来. 原木井不是圆的, 他们摆好了方阵,以便桨, 呈l形, 能放在轴的两侧吗.

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The shafts and paddles were housed in a long wooden box that was set up on an incline. 当水与岩石混合后,进料进入机器, the paddles on the rotating log shafts would cut and abrade the material, 创造颗粒对颗粒的擦洗来去除粘土, 有机物和其他有害物质. The clays and deleterious material flowed with the wash water into a sump near the feed end of the Log Washer, while the rotating log shafts conveyed the clean rock toward the discharge end of the machine.

“而他自己发明了这台机器, other companies saw how good it was and they wanted to buy the machines,迈克尔·麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全解释道, Chairman of 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Corporation’s Board of Directors and Samuel Calvin’s great-grandson. “That was one of the ways we got into machinery manufacturing.”

Samuel Calvin was awarded a federal patent for his Log Washer in 1891. 三年后, 他发明了单辊破碎机, 在他的一生中, he improved the design of many other types of process equipment, 包括蒸汽机, 蒸馏焦炉, 炉, 烘干机, 输送机, 吹引擎, 轧钢厂, 屏幕, 矿石夹具, 电梯等. His original ideas were the basis for many types of equipment used today.

For his achievements and advancements in the mining industry, Samuel Calvin was posthumously inducted into the 矿业 Hall of Fame in 2010 and received several other accolades. “他是个十足的发明家,”迈克尔说. 


塞缪尔·加尔文的《菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全》并非昙花一现. 时至今日,它仍被用于去除硬物, sticky clays and improve the quality of final products; however, more than a century’s worth of design improvements have made today’s 日志垫圈 more efficient at a lower cost to the operator.

“The Log Washer has changed a lot over the years,” said Michael. “It’s a good design that has evolved through several versions.”

While the process of removing the clays and organics has remained the same — paddles fixed to rotating shafts facilitate material-on-material scrubbing and move the cleaned material up an inclined slope, the Log Washer itself looks much different from Samuel Calvin’s first machine.

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日志垫圈 today look much different than Samuel Calvin's original design. 

For starters, the wooden log shafts have been replaced by one-piece steel pipe. 的桨, 哪些是穿着元素, have been updated from cast iron to abrasion-resistant steel to improve longevity.

The position of the paddles and shafts were changed to allow a bed of material to build up in the bottom of the Log Washer so that the sides and bottom of the machine would not wear. Optional clean-out doors were designed into the washer box for emptying the machine for maintenance or seasonal shutdown.

The outboard lower bearings – a box and thimble design that wore quickly and was difficult to replace – were changed to roller bearings, which can last for years with proper maintenance and lubrication. When replacement is necessary, roller bearings can be changed from the outside of the Log Washer. This update also allowed the 日志垫圈 to operate more smoothly because, 不像盒子和顶针轴承, the roller bearings do not change the elevation of the shafts as they wear.

这些, 以及许多其他的设计变化和更新, have given 日志垫圈 their reputation for providing decades of reliable service.

“它们是耐用的机器. One of the oldest ones was working at a limestone quarry in West Virginia in the 1950s even though it was built in 1905,迈克尔说. “洗木机是个好东西, 坚固的, long-lasting machine that’s a good investment for those companies that need to remove clay and organics from their gravel, 石头和矿石.”



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