How to Properly Include 消耗电池s in a Sand Processing Plant to Improve 耐用性 and 浊度

消耗电池s scrub particulates to liberate and break down deleterious materials to improve the quality of final products. Here's how you can include 消耗电池s in your wash plant to improve durability and turbidity of your sand.

好, clean sand is a general way of referring to a sand product with a high durability and low turbidity. 


A sand with a high durability will resist breaking down or grinding up into finer particles. 无论是用于构造还是分馏应用程序, 高耐久性是质量水平的关键特征. 


浊度, on the other hand, is not really about the sand itself but the contaminants with the sand. 浊度测试显示淤泥或粘土悬浮在水中. These small particles have adverse effects on the final applications for these produced sands.


While the objective is clear, the path to a good, clean sand can be difficult. One of the go-to pieces of equipment to help improve both durability and turbidity is an 消耗电池.

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菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 消耗电池s are designed to scrub the surfaces of particles to remove deleterious materials to improve sand durability and turbidity.


粒子间的相互作用, 这是发生在消耗细胞内的吗, 对材料有很多影响吗.


In some deposits, the particles form a cluster due to a type of cementation. The cluster is strong enough to pass through the sizing process intact, 但是当在压力下使用时, 星团分裂. 

尽管颗粒本身可能具有很高的耐久性, the presence of clusters will lower the overall durability of any product. Breaking the clusters apart during processing is a key goal before they become part of the final product.


类似于集群存在的问题, internal fractures to the grain will lower overall durability by breaking apart under pressure. While 消耗电池s do not exploit existing fractures to the same level an 冲击式破碎机 他们能把它们分解成一个重要的层次吗. Once the fractured sand is broken apart, the remaining particles should have a higher durability.

当面对这两个问题时, it is best to have the 消耗电池s before a final product is created. 当团簇破裂或晶粒完全断裂时, the size gradation of the material will shift to a finer distribution. If the final product has a tight specification for each size gradation, 在消耗细胞里运行就能让它脱离正常状态. Performing the final sizing process after the attrition scrubbing will allow the product to meet the required specifications.


而耐久性是非常重要的, the turbidity of a sand product is what the 消耗电池 Scrubber is most known for improving. A turbidity test is the measure of suspended particles, such as clay or silt, in distilled water. It is the measure of the light that comes through a sand and water suspension. 

The turbidity specification is essentially an indication of how dirty the sand is. 额外的洗涤可能会降低浊度, 但当涂层持久或厚重时, 摩擦擦洗可以去除. 粒子间的相互作用 creates a scrubbing action on the outside of the sand particle. 

The clay and silt will most likely stay in the water once liberated from the sand. 如果涂层留在颗粒上, 干燥后可能会剥落, 尤其是暴露在高温下的时候, 比如在烘干机里.

This will increase dust levels when handling the material and create issues with the final product. The presence of a coating on the material can lower the quality of any construction product where the sand is used.

当处理浊度问题时, the attrition process can focus on just the final product in an effort to minimize the cost associated with the scrubbing equipment.


Where an 消耗电池 fits in any process also has to do with what the material looks like before and what is done with the material after. Material preparation and rinsing are an equally important part of the attrition scrubbing process. Preparing the material before the 消耗电池 is important to ensure the highest performance within the unit.

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作为a的一部分的消耗细胞 压裂砂厂.

考虑硅砂比重为2.洗涤槽的理想进料是重量的70-75%. 通过瞄准理想的固体百分比, the highest chance of particle-on-particle interaction occurs while still allowing the material to flow through the cells. 

较高的固体含量会给发动机带来更大的负荷, 安培的增加表明了哪一点. The load on the motor and gearbox is decreased by adding water at the feed end, 但是加水会增加粒子间的距离. With increased distance, there is a decrease in the chance of particle-on-particle collisions. 

Many applications will automatically monitor the amp draw on the motor and add water accordingly, 这将保护单位. Without monitoring the performance, it can be easy to let the slurry get too dilute.  

使用一个 分离器™, a 脱水筛 or some other method of increasing the percent solids above the 70-75% range before the 消耗电池 and diluting it down is a common way of optimizing the scrubber's performance.

随着集群的分裂, 利用内部裂缝或去除涂层, a final rinsing of the material after the 消耗电池 stage makes sure all the benefits of attrition scrubbing are realized. Any material that needs to be scrubbed should take into account the preparation, 洗涤和漂洗阶段的效果.

耐用性 issues should include 消耗电池s toward the front or middle of the process and definitely before final sizing.  

浊度问题应包括消耗细胞中所有的废物, (涂料除外), 已经被移除. 在多个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的情况下, that may mean having the attrition scrub stage up front before the sizing stage. 对于单一菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,摩擦擦洗可以接近尾声. 


标签: 擦洗, 如何


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