矿用双辊破碎机与ddc -粒度机的区别

March 24, 2020
双辊破碎机和ddc -粒度机是矿物加工中使用的两种破碎机. While both can be used for material size reduction, 以下是运营商在选择双辊破碎机和ddc浆料机以满足其现场需求时应考虑的差异.

In most cases, both the Double Roll Crusher and DDC-Sizer will accomplish the desired results for many of the same applications; however, 两者之间存在差异,为操作员提供了更多的选择,以帮助满足其特定破碎厂的要求.

These differences include the installation, tramp iron protection, roll speeds and method of feeding, drive configurations, product size and, ultimately, cost.   


In practically all cases, v带驱动双辊破碎机刚性安装在地板或结构上,进料溜槽和出料溜槽牢固附着. 电机底座也刚性地安装在地板上,独立于破碎机底座安装.


A McLanahan Double Roll Crusher.

Conversely, ddc -尺寸机的设计将钢轮整合到基础框架的底部,以便安装在轨道上. The unit can then be rolled out of the material flow, if necessary, to remove tramp material or to perform maintenance. 

在给料槽和破碎机给料口之间采用灵活的连接,以允许机器的无限制运动. Hydraulic cylinders are offered to raise and lower the wheel assemblies. 


A McLanahan DDC-Sizer. 

Tramp Iron Protection

当一个不可破碎的项目遇到了一个v带驱动的双辊破碎机, 活动辊将被迫横向移动,远离静止辊. 活动辊施加的力将克服自动拨动机构预设的弹簧张力. 

This force causes the toggles to break open, 允许可动辊离开固定辊足够长的时间以通过不可压碎的物体, then it immediately returns the movable roll to the original position. The crusher remains in constant operation throughout this process.



ddc -施胶机的不定期铁保护由低速传感器和每个驱动器上的流体联轴器提供. When an uncrushable object is encountered, the underspeed sensor observes a stall condition and shuts the drives down. 

If this does not happen quickly enough, the torque load is increased and the fluid couplings will begin to slip. 流体联轴器滑移减轻了部件上的应力,从而保护了机器. 

In a 100% slip or stall condition, 流体联轴器内的温度将上升到易熔塞的温度极限, which will effectively disconnect output power. If tramp material has stalled the crushing rolls, production is halted until the tramp is manually removed.  


DDC-Sizers have a motor, gear reducer, fluid coupling and underspeed sensor, which shuts down the drive in the event of a stall condition. 

Drive Configuration

双辊破碎机的传动结构由电机、v带传动和飞轮组成. ddc - size驱动器由电机、流体联轴器和齿轮减速器组成.

由于使用了大飞轮,v带驱动双辊破碎机的马力要求低于ddc -施胶机. 储存在飞轮中的动能与较高的辊速相结合,为破碎机提供动力,通过峰值破碎力矩.  

The DDC-Sizer does not utilize flywheels, 辊的旋转速度约为v带驱动破碎机的三分之一. Therefore, due to the torque required to perform the crushing action, greater motor horsepower is required.

Roll Speeds and Feeding Methods

典型的24英寸直径双辊破碎机具有150转/分钟的标准辊速. 通过改变电机转速和/或电机滑轮/飞轮直径,可以很容易地增加轧辊速度,以获得更高的吞吐量. However, with the higher throughput, 你冒着增加细粒产生和加速部件磨损的风险. 

给双辊破碎机的饲料百分之百必须在辊子之间流动, 形成材料的带状,并增加由于颗粒间破碎而产生额外细粒的可能性. 进料口跨越破碎机辊的长度,但仅测量到辊体的中心线. 


The feed stream flows between the rolls of the Double Roll Crusher.

ddc浆料机的辊子以大约50转/分钟(主要和次要)或大约88转/分钟(次要)的设定速度旋转。, 当由1800转/分电动机供电时,减速机的齿轮减速是由哪一个决定的. 较慢的滚动速度证明有利于组件的磨损寿命和减少产生的细粒量. The larger feed opening also contributes to reduced fines generation and plays a major role in increased throughput capacity. 

ddc浆料机的喂料长度与破碎机辊的长度相同,但也超出了辊体的外部尺寸, allowing the feed to go between and to the outsides of the rolls, creating three flow streams. 


在ddc浆纱机的辊的外边缘是一套可更换的浆纱梳,与辊齿啮合. This feature is significant, as it creates a screening effect, 允许大多数尺寸不足的材料通过破碎机而没有进一步的降解,也补偿了相对于容量较慢的辊旋转.



Product Size

最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全所需的尺寸是考虑时必须考虑的另一个因素 crusher selection. Typically, 两台机器可以生产相同的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸,直到所需的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸降到1以下.5” – 2”. 正是在这一点上,必须使用双辊破碎机而不是ddc浆料机. 双辊破碎机的设计允许一个更精细的调整,因此一个 finer product size.


With the design differences also comes cost differences. The Double Roll Crusher is the more cost-effective option of the two. 构成大部分成本差异的主要差异是驱动器配置. Since the Double Roll Crusher is V-belt driven, lower motor horsepower can be used due to the flywheel design. 

In comparison, the DDC-Sizer is a direct drive, meaning the flywheel has been removed and replaced with a gear reducer, torque limiting coupling and higher horsepower motors. 

When deciding between a Double Roll Crusher and DDC-Sizer, 考虑到所有这些差异将有助于您为您的矿物加工厂选择合适类型的破碎机.

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