Overhead Beam 压滤机es



当浆料被泵入过滤板之间形成的空腔时,就会发生脱水. The dewatered cake material accumulates between the filter plates, while the filtrate water passes through the filter cloths mounted on the plate surfaces. 

The filter plates are mounted from an I-beam above the filter press, giving very good access to the filter plates and filter cloths. 当脱水滤饼排出时,这种方向不会产生干扰,并且限制了安装在工字梁上的板开口传送带的任何浆液污染. 

顶梁压滤机通常用于处理大量材料的应用中. 板的尺寸和板的数量可以非常大,以适应客户的高加工率.

How Overhead Beam 压滤机es Work

顶梁压滤机使用与任何其他板式压滤机相同的基本技术来脱水浆料并回收可重复使用的滤水. The filter plates are suspended from an I-beam above the filter press. A hydraulic cylinder and four tension rods are used to clamp the plates together, 而浆液进料泵迫使浆液在板之间,其中浆液固体积聚,滤液水通过安装在板表面的滤布. 板是使用安装在工字梁上的链式旋转系统打开的,该系统设计用于在板堆液压解夹后逐个分离过滤板. The bottom and both sides of the filter plates are completely open and unobstructed, preventing any interference with the cake discharge. 顶梁设计也允许最容易的访问过滤板和过滤布进行清洁和维护.

顶梁式压滤机在许多行业的脱水应用中得到了广泛的应用. 顶梁式压机适用于难以脱水的粘土含量高的浆料的脱水, very fine particle size or organic materials. With the plate opening system mounted in the beam above the filter press, 大多数移动部件都得到了很好的保护,免受与磨料和腐蚀性材料相关的污染和磨损. 顶梁压滤机可以全自动连续操作,无需全职操作员监控.

为什么菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Overhead Beam 压滤机es

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全压滤机的设计是为了产生易于管理的干燥菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全或废料. The 压滤机 also provides the ability to optimize recovery of clean reusable water. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全压滤机可以解决许多与精细材料加工相关的典型问题, including full slurry ponds/dams, high material handling equipment repair costs, limited expansion capabilities, environmental permit restrictions, high waste material handling costs and limited water availability.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 压滤机es are engineered using a single hydraulic cylinder. This results in robust and reliable automation capabilities with lower horsepower, fewer control valves and less complexity than multi-cylinder designs. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的架空梁风格可以更快地打开和关闭,从而提高产量,并在尾矿应用中更好地释放饼, while also providing larger plate openings for better cleaning and maintenance access.

Unlike the traditional plate and frame presses, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s 压滤机 line features modern recessed plates or membrane plates, 这两种方法都创造了一个用于脱水浆液的腔室,而不会将蛋糕困在框架内. 这使得脱水的蛋糕比传统的板框印刷机更容易排出.

Due to the variability in slurry material percent solids, particle size distribution, particle shape and material makeup, 每个站点的材料都应该在为特定客户应用筛选压滤机之前进行测试. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供经验丰富的实验室和现场试点测试,具有广泛的测试能力. Other parameters are used for green field sites when material testing is not possible.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的客户服务团队提供广泛的快速备件采购以及日常和紧急维护服务支持. 所有麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全压滤机都有客户远程控制访问能力,以进行有效的监控和故障排除.

Frequently Asked Questions About Overhead Beam 压滤机es


Additional equipment to consider for a 压滤机 includes: Slurry surge tank, 混合机, 桥架和液位传感器浆液给水泵带VFD膜板供水箱和水泵尼龙范围广, 符合应用要求的聚丙烯或聚酯滤布材料洗布系统滤板下方的滴漏托盘门不锈钢或其他耐腐蚀结构材料压缩空气系统吹芯/滤饼干燥合成和金属滤板材料选择滤饼干燥板可以提供额外的水回收效率滤饼清洗板允许从滤饼中去除可溶性物质

Because plate 压滤机es can vary greatly in size, the cost varies widely also. 单个压滤机的设备成本从数万美元到100多万美元不等.

压滤机通常用于代替:带式压滤机、离心机、螺旋压滤机、真空转鼓压滤机人们考虑压滤机而不是这些替代技术的主要原因是为了降低运行成本, 干燥菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, reduced chemical consumption, better solids recovery and the high degree of automation.

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全顶梁压滤机可以容纳更大的板尺寸和更多的板数量, making them more suited with high processing volumes.

特性 & 好处
  • Larger throughput capacity
  • Greater access for maintenance
  • Wide opening for better cake release and easier access for cleaning, cloth washing and cloth replacement
  • 艾伦布拉德利或西门子控制系统可通过以太网连接提供远程协助
  • Quad tension shaft design eliminates dynamic load on the overhead beams
  • 液压缸和张力轴连接在有限元设计的板上,提供均匀的平衡载荷
  • 智能液压系统控制启闭压力和移动板的开启位置
  • Velocity-reducing, dual-feed inlets and fill flow control decrease cloth abrasion and promote cake consistency
  • High-speed carousel system quickly opens the plates one by one, allowing more space and movement for faster and more reliable cake release
  • Splash guard isolates and protects moving parts and provides long, reliable plate opening
  • One by one high-pressure wash system available for the best possible cloth wash
  • Advanced safety systems are available
  • Typical plate sizes are 1500 mm and 2000 mm plates

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Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.