重力卸料自磨机, 或GDAMs™, are used in the aluminum industry to reduce spent broken carbon anodes and pot lining crust to free the cryolite bath and crushable carbon from tramp metal such as iron, 钢或铝片.


A variation of the Rotary Breaker that is used in the aluminum industry is the Gravity Discharge Autogenous Mill, 或GDAM™. 这些单位, 它们类似于重型的Trommel屏幕, generate the least fines and dust of crushed material when compared to high-speed Hammermills and air swept mills.

The crushing tumbling action reduces spent broken carbon anodes and pot lining crust to free the cryolite bath and crushable carbon from tramp metal that may be iron, 钢或铝片. Any uncrushed materials and tramp metal are rejected from the reduced bath, which is used as a cover material for newly lined pots that are to be put back into service for the alumina reduction process.

Typically, the product size requirement is smaller than the product from a Rotary 煤炭 Breaker. 因此, the screen plates in a GDAM™ have smaller openings that are outwardly tapered to help alleviate plugging. 鉴于铁氧石的性质,断裂成小的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸, 然而, the aluminum tramp material from which the cryolite is being separated tends to produce thin shards that could pass between the edges of the screen plates. 因此, to eliminate the risk of unwanted aluminum pieces passing into the product stream, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 has incorporated a closure bar design to fill gaps between the screen plates. The GDAM™ is designed with tapered lifters that allow material to flow in either direction and operates on a timed, 正反批处理.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 GDAMs™是如何工作的

The GDAM™ consists of a large chain-driven rotating drum that is driven by an electric motor, 联轴器及齿轮减速器. The chain drive's segmented sprocket is bolted to the cylinder, allowing rotation. 气缸配有可更换的机车钢轮胎, 在气缸的两端各有一对耳轴滚轮. Thrust rollers are positioned at each end to prevent excessive axial float. 当气缸正确对准时, 滚筒将漂浮在推力辊之间, 不要用力骑向一边或另一边.

GDAM™在批处理过程中运行. 气缸以减速不前进的方式运转. 由于进料是在气缸的前端引入的, it is continually lifted and dropped onto a series of perforated screen plates. This batching process continues lifting and dropping material until a signal in the control room indicates that most all of the cyrolite has been crushed. At this point, the cylinder rotation is reversed, thus discharging the accumulated refuse. 一旦垃圾被排出,这个过程就会重新开始.  

为什么是菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 GDAMs™

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全公司于1893年建造了第一台旋转式破碎机. 从那时起, our design is an evolution of more than 100 years of rotary equipment manufacture and servicing of our customer’s units. An overlapping screen plate design is bolted to the inside of the steel cylinder beams to further strengthen and add rigidity to the cylinder, while the addition of our closure bar design eliminates the possibility of thin slabs of refuse passing through the cylinder and into the product stream.

Designed to be durable and low-maintenance machines, GDAMs™ are both safe and simple to operate. The low operating speed and horsepower requirement make GDAMs™ economical to operate and easy to maintain. 当需要维护时, 检查钢结构和分段防尘罩中的门, 覆盖圆柱体, 方便访问. An optional inching drive offers a safer means of rotating the cylinder for maintenance procedures. Centrally banked lubrication lines allow an operator to grease all bearings from one location.

All critical cylinder surfaces are machined during the manufacturing process in a single large lathe that allows for a concentric drum that runs vibration free and extends the overall life of the equipment. 这消除了在操作过程中摆动或振动的任何机会. 筛板提供非插拔设计, which are installed in an overlapping fashion to protect the cylinder beams and provide additional structural support. Chute work at the feed and discharge ends ensures a smooth transition of material in and out of the cylinder.



由于坚固耐用的设计,操作GDAM™的成本相对较低, minimal downtime and low power consumption in comparison to other machines performing similar crushing applications.

The ratio of reduction is quite high since the GDAM™ can except larger feed sizes. This plays a role in selecting the drum diameter, while the product size determines the length. The product size and tonnage requirement factor into the length of the breaker required for the application.

GDAM™鼓中的升降器起着多种作用. First, they lift and drop the feed material to initiate the breaking action. 其次,它们可以设置在空挡、前进或减速位置. How the material is performing in the breaker will determine in what position they are set.

gdam™非常可靠, durable and maintenance friendly and have been used globally in the aluminum industry for decades to recover cryolite bath.

特性 & 好处
  • 所有防护均符合美国MSHA和OSHA标准.S. 并能符合其他国家的要求
  • Drive sprockets and chain are completely encased in steel enclosure guarding system
  • 全长基础框架与安装和校准辅助
  • Adjustable lifters allow for advancing or retarding the flow of material
  • 可再生钢瓶和耳轴轮胎
  • End sections joined by wide flange steel beams to form the cylinder frame
  • Perforated and overlapping screen plate design bolted to the inside of the steel beams to further strengthen and form the cylinder
  • 断路器板间的闭合杆
  • Four independently adjustable trunnion rollers support the cylinder ends
  • Cylinder driven by a chain and sprocket utilizing a motor/coupler/reducer drive configuration


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