
锤磨机破碎机 are known for providing greater reduction ratios in a variety of materials for the aggregate and industrial markets. 的重型, rugged construction of all Universal Hammermills allows for greater applied forces to achieve higher production rates with controlled product top size and gradation.


众所周知,锤式破碎机可以产生比3/16“(4mm)更细的材料。, 这在某些应用程序中可能是不受欢迎的. 然而, 如果精细材料有市场的话, 或者在期望的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸范围内是否可以接受, 锤式磨机可以达到减少比,否则可能需要多个破碎机.

这些破碎机可用于采矿和骨料还原, 成品的选矿, 铝土矿及类似矿石的初级还原, 细磨石灰(碳酸钙).

为什么是菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Hammermill crusers

通过多年的经验和提炼, 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的工程师设计了两种不同的锤式破碎机系列. 这些破碎机能够处理各种各样的材料. 如果你正在寻找可靠的性能和一个坚实的回报,你的投资, 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的锤式破碎机的通用线是你的完美答案. 有许多型号可供选择, 还有多种选择的锤子和炉排组合, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全可以提供特殊配方的磨机,以满足您的规格要求, 与客户支持一起确保它在机器的生命周期内有效运行.



通用锤锤大师已经完善了许多年, 从近一个世纪前的通用粉碎机开始. The HammerMaster is a high-speed mill noted for its ability to generate high-quality aggregates, 立方体形状, 具有优异的健全性. 三种尺寸可供选择, HammerMaster以生产优异的沥青屑材料而闻名, 具体的石头, 以及一般基材和路面岩石. 该磨粉机还能生产用于农田pH控制的农业石灰. 


The 通用LimeMaster was developed over the same time period as the HammerMaster and  incorporates many of the same components. 然而,LimeMaster只专注于生产石灰粉. 大多数石灰石采石场和矿场出产大量的石灰石粉. 在某些情况下, with careful screening they can create a marketable aglime or chemical lime without further investment. 随着这些市场的扩大, LimeMaster can be added to the operation and greatly increase the production of this valuable product, 也被称为碳酸钙.


Universal 工业锤磨机 are available in three distinct styles designed around specific types of operations. 我们提供 标准锤磨机无堵塞锤磨机 和 Centerfeed锤磨机. All the 工业锤磨机 share a common emphasis on severe-duty construction 和 ability to conform to a broad range of application issues. 标准锤式粉碎机和无堵塞锤式粉碎机被认为是初级粉碎机, 一些型号能够接受最大进给尺寸为72英寸(1),830mm). The Centerfeed锤磨机 is a secondary crusher designed to accept feed from a primary with controlled top size ranging from 3" to 5" (75mm to 125mm). 工业锤磨机 are not limited to 石灰石 or 石膏 — they are known worldwide for processing 铝土矿, 镍矿, 磷酸盐矿石, 煤炭, 宠物可口可乐, 粘土, 页岩, 当然, 石灰石.


All Universal Hammermills work on three principal reduction methods: impact, shear and attrition. 物料从垂直溜槽进入磨机, 它与锤子的前缘接触, 每一个都牢牢地固定在旋转的转子上. The hammer is pinned to the rotor body and allowed to swing, and lay back to some degree. 离心力使锤保持伸展, 在材料上释放的惯性力在撞击时将岩石粉碎. The particles rebound off the impact plates or breaker blocks back into the hammer circle. 在一瞬间, 物料被送入炉排或笼组件, 在那里,剪切力使较大的颗粒减小,并使它们穿过炉排表面, 把颗粒磨成可控的级配. Openings in the grates and cage assemblies allow particles to escape the mill once they are reduced to the appropriate size.

锤磨机可以用来实现许多目标,而不仅仅是减少材料. 在许多石灰岩地层中, 接缝或地层中含有软质有害物质,如燧石, 页岩或泥岩. 这种材料会对成品的价值产生不利影响. A hammermill can be set to pulverize the soft stone and shear the edges of the harder stone in a single pass through the mill. 磨后筛分使粉碎的有害物质得以分离, 而更立方体的石头继续通过系统.

The Standard and 无堵塞 工业锤磨机 are designed to reduce the material to a nominal 3" to 5" (75mm to 25mm) output. 这些是初级破碎机, 通常采用中心给料机或其他类型的二级破碎机. The HammerMaster is also a secondary stage crusher in that the maximum feed size is 6" (150mm). 锤子大师生产线上使用的锤子都重60磅(27公斤)。, which creates a sufficient force to fracture a 6” stone and remain extended from the rotor. Centerfeed工业锤磨机包括各种尺寸和重量的锤. 较大型号的中心进给锤式铣床可能允许高达8“(200mm)的最大进给尺寸.



减排量通常用F80除以P80来测量. F80是80%的进料小于该粒度的粒度. P80代表了80%的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全更小的粒度. Reduction ratios will vary with each application within each family of Hammermills and by the amount of applied energy. 

  • 锤锤式破碎机受马力和饲料尺寸的限制, 因此根据炉排的选择和所需要的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸进行闭路, 减量比将在6:1到20:1之间.
  • LimeMaster破碎机也受到马力和饲料尺寸的限制, so whether you are looking to make a coarse 3/8” chemical lime or a typical 3/16” aglime, 减少比例将在16:1到60:1之间.
  • 工业锤磨机, 比如《菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全》, 无堵塞, 和Centerfeed, are designed with components that enable them to focus on the reduction and output most desired in every application. 这意味着, 鉴于应用能源的范围很广, 还原比可以跨越很宽的范围.  

锤式破碎机通常处理石灰石, 大理石, 页岩, 石膏, 磷酸, 铝土矿, 铝渣, 铀, 冰晶石, 烧块, 生石灰, 石油焦和煤.


  • 能源工厂把石灰和煤作为燃料
  • 水泥厂碾磨石灰石、页岩和粘土
  • 化工厂生产各种碳酸盐粉末
  • 铝冶炼厂加工ROM铝土矿和渣滓
  • 干墙制造商首先将石膏煮熟并磨碎
  • 生石灰制造商将碳酸钙煮熟并粉碎
  • 石油焦,作为石油精炼的副菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全
  • 煤矿减少ROM,以供煤粉或更细的货物装运

Testing for abrasive characteristics in the material is a logical first step when considering the cost to replace hammers and liners. 在某些情况下, 当你更换类似类型的锤磨机也配备锰磨损金属, 这不是一个重要的因素. 然而,在新装置中,强烈建议对材料进行化学分析. This also applies when expanding the mine into formations where material characteristics may be changing.


  1. 材料的地质描述或矿物学是什么?
  2. 要加工的最硬或最磨蚀的元素的比重是多少? 这通常是围绕着客观矿石的寄主石. 如果有显著差异,我们需要每一种的百分比.
  3. 如果是石灰石, we need a chemical analysis depicting the amount of each of the following compounds as a percent by weight: SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 和MgCO3

驱动和动力部件的重要性不仅仅是出于预算原因, 但也由于线路电力的限制,从公用事业公司. 锤式破碎机通常需要1:1的比例比较马力和tph吞吐量. That ratio can grow to 3:1 for many applications, and even 5:1 when fine-grinding is required.

通常选择通过柔性联轴器直接驱动, 相同转速的电机是否可以在当地采购和维修. 然而, this limits the ability to change rpm in case of changes in material formation or product specifications.

v带传动装置是非常常见的小型轧机, offer the ability to alter the speed with a sheave change and may be set up with one or two electric motors. 

双电机驱动允许更小的标准框架电机, 哪一种价格更低, 具有竞争力的价格. You may also save on operating costs if one of the motors is wired with a solid state reduced voltage starter. Peak amperage draw is kept at a minimum when starting the crusher with the reduced voltage starter. The second motor is engaged via across-the-line starter only after the crusher is fully up to speed. 公用事业公司通常对峰值电流消耗收取额外费用.

HammerMasters and LimeMasters are also available with replaceable tip hammers in lieu of the standard bullhead hammers. 他们也提供了一个可选的饲料溜槽,以适应输送机饲料.

Industrial Centerfeed锤磨机s are also available with a trap mechanism located under the rotor at the central discharge point. 这个疏水阀阻塞了物料的流动, 迫使所有的材料挤出通过格栅开口. 这种疏水阀也为任何可能进入腔室的不稳定铁提供了一种缓解. A mechanical arm extends through the base frame to provide easy access when time to empty the trap, 哪个是用枢轴销和铰链固定的.

Hydraulic access into the crusher is also available for the larger 工业锤磨机. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全不仅可以提供液压调节, same hydraulic power unit can be used to open and close the access hatch for inspection and maintenance.

当选择并推荐锤式磨机用于特定应用时, 带格栅的破碎室, impact plates 和 hammers will be taken into account in the valuation of the Hammermill. 

在大多数情况下, 锤式破碎机的能力是基于期望的减速比, 材料的韧性和用于完成还原的能量. The diameter and width of the rotor assembly accommodates the top size of the feed 和 surface area necessary to grind and extrude the ouput. 然后,应用的能量量将产生设计容量, 它总是随着材料的韧性或脆性的变化而波动. 本质上, for the 工业锤磨机 it is best to rely on the Bond Theory to determine necessary horsepower.

  • 纽带理论-这个粉碎理论,由弗雷德C. Bond,建立了确定工作指数(Wi)与给定的材料分类有关. The work index is the comminution parameter that expresses the resistance of the material to crushing and grinding.

在锤锤大师和石灰大师破碎机的情况下, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全设计了带有转子尺寸的破碎机, 轴和轴承处理各种应用在一个特定的马力等级. 因为电源元件是固定的, 容量可以根据石灰石和各种还原比预先确定.


特性 & 好处
  • 焊接钢底座
  • 耐磨钢衬垫
  • 铸锰断路器板
  • 转子组件与阶梯孔
  • 坚固的外壳和转子结构
  • 双列,自调心球面滚子轴承
  • 钻锥形轴,以便液压轴承拆卸
  • 多种类型和模型尺寸
  • 预先设计的聚合模型
  • 定制配置的轧机用于工业用途
  • 所有型号的锤选择
  • 适合应用的格栅和保持架组件


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site and answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.