Heavy-Duty Rotary Breakers

重型旋转破碎机的设计,同时大小ROM饲料,同时从饲料中去除垃圾. 重型设计结合了更窄的筛板和额外的气缸梁,以创建一个额外的刚性气缸,需要更严格的应用.


Rotary Breakers are often used to produce the final shippable product; however, in some cases they are used in applications as a primary crusher, 剥去岩石和垃圾的头皮,并将其从下游工序中移除, thus extending the life of the equipment and wear components.

Heavy-Duty Rotary Breakers are very reliable, durable, 维护友好,已广泛应用于采矿业粉碎ROM煤几十年, oil sands and cryolite. 该设计包括两个排放犁,以排除增加的垃圾数量.

How Heavy-Duty Rotary Breakers Work

重型旋转破碎机由一个由电动机驱动的大型旋转滚筒组成, gear reducer to a chain and segmented sprocket bolted to the cylinder. The cylinder is equipped with replaceable locomotive steel tires, which ride on a pair of trunnion rollers at each end of the cylinder. 两端都有推力滚轮,以防止过度的轴向浮子. When the Rotary Breaker is properly aligned, the drum will float between the thrust rollers, not ride hard to one side or the other.

进料在筒体的前端被引入,并继续被不断地提升和下降到一系列穿孔破碎板上. 这种升降作用允许煤或类似类型的原料沿着自然发生的解理线断裂, 产生较少的细粒并通过筛板开口进入菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全溜槽. The harder material, such as rock and refuse, 继续推进通过滚筒,直到它被排出到垃圾带或堆. 重型旋转破碎机要求低马力每吨材料的处理,同时清洗和施胶.

Why McLanahan Heavy-Duty Rotary Breakers

McLanahan Corporation built the first Rotary Breaker in 1893, and since that time, 我们的设计是100多年旋转设备知识的演变. 我们的重叠筛板设计是螺栓连接在钢瓶梁的内部,进一步加强和增加钢瓶的刚性.

Designed to be durable, low-maintenance machines, Heavy-Duty Rotary Breakers are both safe and simple to operate. 低运行速度和马力要求,使旋转破碎机经济运行,易于维护. When maintenance is required, inspection doors in the fabricated steel, sectionalized dust housing, which covers the breaker cylinder, allow easy access, 可选的点动驱动器提供了一种更安全的旋转气缸的方式. 中央银行润滑管线允许操作员从一个位置润滑所有轴承.

在制造过程中,所有关键表面都在一台大型车床上加工,这使得同心滚筒无振动运行,延长了设备的整体寿命. This eliminates any chances of wobble or vibration during operation. Depending on the application, 筛板可生产多种菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸,也可提供非插拔设计. 筛板以重叠的方式安装,以保护圆柱梁并提供额外的结构支持. 溜槽工作在进料和出料端,确保物料顺利过渡进出气缸.

为重型断路器提供的防尘罩有很大的不同.  这种类型的粉尘外壳包括底部的倾斜部分,用于将排出的物料聚集到输送机上. 这个底部斜槽工作内衬3/8”厚耐磨钢板. 所述防尘罩的每一段均设有带氯丁橡胶密封的检修门. 在粉尘外壳的进料和出料边缘处还设置有橡胶密封,该密封处围绕着旋转气缸.

Frequently Asked Questions About Heavy-Duty Rotary Breakers

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由于坚固的设计,重型旋转破碎机的运行成本相对较低, 与执行类似破碎应用的其他机器相比,停机时间最短,功耗低.

In addition to Heavy-Duty Rotary Breakers, consider Feeder-Breakers, single and two stage Roll Crushers and Mineral Sizers.

由于旋转式破碎机可以排除较大的进料尺寸,因此还原率相当高, which plays a role in selecting the drum diameter, while producing a small product size. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸和吨位要求也会影响应用所需的破碎机长度.

The lifters in a Heavy-Duty Rotary Breaker drum play multiple roles. 首先,它们抬起和放下进料以启动破碎动作. Second, they can be set in a neutral, advancing or retarding position. 物料在破碎机中的表现将决定它们被设置在什么位置.

Heavy-Duty Rotary Breakers are very reliable, durable, 维护友好,已广泛应用于采矿业数十年.

Features & Benefits
  • All guarding meets MSHA and OSHA requirements in the U.S. and can comply with other countries’ requirements
  • Drive sprockets and chain completely encased in steel enclosure
  • Full-length base frame aids with installation and alignment
  • 可调升降装置允许推进或延迟物料的流动
  • Renewable steel cylinder and trunnion tires
  • 气缸端部由重型钢结构制造,并进行同心度加工,以确保平稳运行
  • 端部由宽法兰钢梁连接,形成圆柱框架
  • 穿孔和重叠筛板设计螺栓连接到钢梁内部,进一步加强和形成圆筒
  • 四个独立可调耳轴滚轮支撑气缸端部
  • 气缸由链条和链轮驱动,利用电机/耦合器/减速器驱动配置

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