
NGS冲击式破碎机用途非常广泛. The most common application involves taking primary-run limestone from either a Jaw Crusher or impact breaker and reducing it into a construction grade aggregate. 然而, 与可选的第三幕组件, it is possible to increase the amount of chip stone for asphalt and some concrete mixes.


NGS冲击机代表了下一代二次冲击破碎机. 在业内仍然无人能及, the NGS Impactor is engineered to bring more profitability to aggregate and mineral processing operations. 为了模仿其前身的生产力而开发的, 影响二, 这个冲击产生了一个更好的, 高立方体菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,同时降低运营费用. 

NGS冲击器减少了调整的停机时间, requires fewer wear parts to inventory and can be modified in the field to accommodate changes in the application and product requirements. NGS撞击器有七种不同的型号尺寸, and each is uniquely designed with a means to retrofit most any Andreas-style Impactor at minimal cost. Optional features are available to enhance the simplified curtain adjustment to involve adjust-on-the-fly or advanced touchscreen automation capability. 结合35年的现场经验和最新的技术, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全继续扩展NGS撞击器的功能. 

为什么选择菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 NGS冲击式破碎机

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Corporation has a long and prosperous history in the mineral processing industries. We offer crushing solutions for soft materials like coal and hard and abrasive materials like granite or basalt.  麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全不仅了解这个过程, 但我们敏锐地意识到影响你们底线的问题. 当考虑一个冲击破碎机, you can rely on 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 to analyze your application and recommend the most appropriate avenue.

The NGS Impact Crusher commonly takes primary-run limestone from either a Jaw Crusher or impact breaker and reduces it into a construction grade aggregate. The optional third curtain assembly makes it possible to increase the amount of chip stone for asphalt and some concrete mixes. 窗帘的可调节性, 在不同的转子转速下, 生成可以以多种方式操作的输出渐变. The NGS Impactor is equipped with wear resistant liners and hammers cast from various chromium alloys. Even applications in tough river gravel and abrasive concrete rubble tend to be profitable with the NGS Impactor. The rotor speed and the right hammer alloy opens a wide opportunity for material reduction in industries where new markets are growing. If your operation could benefit from higher reduction ratios while generating a cubical product with superior soundness, 考虑NGS冲击破碎机. 

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供国内最大的冲击破碎机选择. We have Impactors that have been in operation for more than 50 years and have earned a reputation of providing reliable equipment with unmatched service and support in the mining and aggregates industries. 为您的操作选择NGS冲击器使我们能够证明, 再一次, 我们对行业的奉献和您的成功.


The NGS Impact Crusher is an Andreas-style impactor with basic features like disc rotors, 可逆锤, 普通耐磨衬套, 和液压罩的访问. 然而, the NGS advantage begins with the material flowing down a feed chute at an optimal angle. The feed chute allows the material to enter the rotor circle at a precise point where the hammers have the greatest affect in shattering the rock. The geometry of the primary curtain contains the initial spray of shattered rock and diverts the rock back into the hammer circle. The secondary curtain then receives a similar spray of finer particles as the material works its way around the rotor, 反复与锤子接触. 

双帘式冲击器通常可使石灰石材料减少10:1. NGS冲击破碎机提供了第三幕的选择, 在某些应用程序中,哪一种可以提供超过20:1的减少. 和所有的宇宙撞击器一样, the NGS Impact Crusher provides a greater level of control over the flow of the material through the reduction process. NGS的锤形轮廓是s形的,它提供了一个突出的前缘. 随着锤子的磨损,它继续用锋利的边缘敲击石头. 这使得材料流更集中在窗帘上. 随着锤子的磨损,锤子尖端和窗帘之间的间隙变得更大. 从窗帘的底边开始测量的, 当锤子每磨损1英寸,间隙就会扩大, 最终的输出层次将变得明显粗糙.

The NGS Impact Crusher is extremely easy to adjust, no heavy wrenches or cheater bars needed. 只需要轻轻拉一下液压杠杆. 然后, 把垫片从摇篮上抬起来, 用拇指螺钉将它们固定在垫片包中, 并卸下液压缸. 通过检查门检查一下缝隙,就搞定了.

锤子用完后,更换过程简单快捷. A rotor lock and special lifting tool is included with every NGS Impactor as a safety-first initiative. 一旦新锤就位,重置帘幕间隙,破碎机就准备好了. 

对于任何反击式破碎机,检查硬件是否松动总是很重要的. We are proud of the fact that our NGS line of crushers have the largest inspection and maintenance doors of any secondary impactor on the market. 访问至关重要. 提供更多的可见性使运营商更加主动. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 now offers the NGS Impactor with the ability to be adjusted while under full load. Watch the discharge conveyor, and allow the rock to grow or shrink with the touch of a finger.

想要更多的控制? We offer a complete automation program with touchscreen to adjust the gap settings either for hammer wear or ever-changing product demands. 这种全自动功能还包括免提校准功能. 只要给指令,让破碎机相应地调整. 



The primary curtain is generally set at a measurement equal to one-half the top size of the feed material. 然后将次帘设置在菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全所需的顶部尺寸或附近. 如果处于闭合回路中, 调整第二幕帘,将返回负荷限制在新进料的15%以下. Check the vibration of the two curtains and adjust the primary curtain to equalize the vibration between the two curtains.

第三个帘子在转子中心线以下, 这意味着它将涉及到磨损和研磨来影响还原. 这将增加操作的磨损成本. 如果粉碎机的未来计划将其限制为大于3 / 4英寸的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, 放弃这个选择,因为双窗帘的安排就足够了. 然而, 如果菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸小于3 / 4英寸是可取的, 第三幕可能足以消除系统中的三级破碎机.

NGS冲击式破碎机非常容易调整,只需简单的液压垫片调整. 我们的全自动系统比竞争对手便宜得多, 但如果你是在偶尔调整穿着或更换菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, 标准系统就是你所需要的.

与我们的竞争对手不同,我们提供另一种选择. 如果你从一个采石场搬到另一个采石场, 或者你的进料不一致, 半自动调节功能既经济实惠,又易于使用. This will provide adjust-on-the-fly capability, which can complement a shim adjust arrangement. 

The NGS Impact Crusher generates a better, 高立方体菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,同时降低运营费用.

特性 & 好处
  • 两个独立的重力悬挂冲击窗帘, 都悬在同一个轴心点上, 提供无与伦比的能力,以保持间隙设置对涌流的材料
  • 第三幕, 在需要的时候, 可以添加到冲击器作为一个现场工具包在未来的情况下出现的机会, 一旦安装好, 可以完全收回作为偏转板的功能吗
  • 防冲击窗帘配有可互换的铬合金铸造衬垫, 螺栓固定到位,可提供一半尺寸,便于操作
  • Optional fabricated liners are available for most models and stretch the full width of the curtain, 它们可以在整个冲击器的不同位置使用
  • 防冲击帘已配备, 作为标准, 液压辅助垫片调整, 并在必要时提供快速和简单的更换
  • 进入破碎机的内部, 外壳液压打开,引擎盖收缩到重心之外, 采用机械引擎盖锁以增加安全性
  • A rotor lock inserts into the rotor of a positive means to keep the rotor from turning during maintenance
  • 转子组件可以是一个三杆,四杆,甚至五杆的设计
  • Hammers are held into the rotor with easy-to-remove-and-install L-blocks that reduce downtime and provide a positive means to retain the hammers during operation
  • 顶部有大型通道门, back and sides of the Impactor provide unmatched access to the interior of the crusher for inspection and maintenance
  • 转子组件具有转子焊件, secured to the shaft with a keyless assembly and mounted on spherical roller bearings


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site and answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.