
单辊破碎机, 6:1的还原比例, is ideal for reducing large feed lumps to a medium product size while producing a considerably lower percentage of fines.


The minimum product sizing of a 单辊破碎机 is generally limited to 2-3”. The crushing is carried out between the full width of the extra-long curved crushing plate and the low-speed crushing roll. The curvature of the crushing plate provides an ample throat opening to capture large irregular feed lumps. The replaceable crushing plate tips or liners are slotted to intermesh with the roll teeth to produce a cubical product and effectively reduce slabbing.

单辊破碎机 are V-belt driven and employ a large diameter flywheel with a gear and pinion set to reduce roll speed. 借助飞轮产生的惯性, this crusher is operated with relatively low horsepower and requires lower headroom in comparison to other crushers used for primary reduction. The roll diameter and width of the crusher will ultimately be dictated by the feed size, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸及容量.

单辊破碎机 employ a tramp relief mechanism to allow momentary movement of the crushing plate so the uncrushable object can pass. The mechanism then allows the crusher to return to its original setting and remain in operation.

单辊破碎机 have long been used in a variety of applications, 包括ROM输入, 粘土, 玻璃和其他易碎矿物. 


单辊破碎机由齿辊总成组成, 哪一种物料在破碎板上粉碎进料. 单辊破碎机 is designed to reduce larger feed sizes to the desired product size at a 6:1 ratio of reduction while producing a considerably lower percentage of fines. 当给料方向适当时,辊筒转动, the crushing action is carried out along the full width of the curved crushing plate, 这能确保最大的吞吐量. A properly sized roll diameter and tooth configuration grabs the incoming feed and pulls it into the crushing zone without hesitation. The crushing plate has reversible and easily replaceable crushing plate tips, which are designed to produce a cubical product while providing the producer with twice the wear life and simplified maintenance. 单辊破碎机 often require less horsepower and lower headroom in comparison to other crushers used in primary and secondary applications.

These units are designed to make crushing simpler and more effective. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 单辊破碎机 also feature hydraulic product size adjustment to perform relatively simple changes to the crusher setting if required.


单辊破碎机, 1894年塞缪尔·卡尔文·麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全申请了专利, has evolved over the years to include design features to ensure many years of rugged operation. 配备了所有的安全装置, the 单辊破碎机 features an automatic tramp relief mechanism that allows the crushing plate to hinge open, pass non-crushable tramp material and return to the previous setting for continued operation.

基于应用数据和丰富的现场经验, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 selects the proper duty class of 单辊破碎机 for each project. A fully-equipped application research laboratory allows for crushing tests to make sure 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can provide the best possible solution.



When an uncrushable object, such as metal, roof bolts/timbers, etc., enters the crusher and the force necessary to crush this material is greater than the crushing forces of the crusher, the crusher allows the crushing plate to open and pass the tramp material. The crusher then returns to its previous setting and remains in operation.

The ratio of reduction is the ratio of the feed size to the desired product size. 例如, 如果进料尺寸为12英寸,所需菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸为2英寸, 则还原比为6:1.

Depending on the customer’s feed size and product size requirements, consideration can be given to 矿物单独 or 双辊破碎机.


眼镜蛇单辊破碎机 are the lightest duty in the 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 line of 单辊破碎机. 他们是理想的湿, 粘料和用于加工洁净煤等物料, 石油焦, 硫, 松香, 铸造核, 冷冻凝块和其他易碎物料.


黑金刚石单辊破碎机 are designed to handle medium-hard materials, 如ROM煤与页岩和板岩, 盐, 还有磷矿.


超级黑钻单辊破碎机 are designed to handle hard to medium-hard materials, 比如页岩, 石膏, 煤和磷矿.


页岩王单辊破碎机 produce primary and secondary sized products and are designed specifically to process rock. 它们是油页岩和类似硬度材料的理想材料.


Rockmaster®单辊破碎机 are the heaviest-duty model in the 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 line of 单辊破碎机. They are ideal for the most severe crushing applications and reduce extremely hard material and typical mine refuse. 

特性 & 好处
  • 重型,装配式钢基础框架结构
  • Hopper and frame are reinforced with renewable, abrasion-resistant steel wear liners
  • 破碎 plates are designed with easy-to-replace, reversible and renewable crushing plate tips
  • 电机及v带传动装置
  • Grooved and balanced flywheel pulley mounted on the counter shaft
  • 齿轮和小齿轮组轧辊减速
  • Roll and countershaft bearings can be equipped with temperature and vibration warning devices
  • 零速度开关可用
  • 自动润滑选项


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